Sunday, December 16, 2018

#TreeofLife - Asteroid Fun
Asteroid Fun

Darling Han
....hey, there's an asteroid* flying over our heads, how about you and me hitching a ride? Two Monkeys on a magic carpet?  I can just see us creating a storm...'er, a Han Storm??
Then we could explore the amazing wonders of the Supercluster around us!!
Called *2014 RC it's about the size of 'half a house'...zooming over us at a height of 35,000 - 40,000 km...just high enough for a good view! Not visible with the naked eye, and gone in a blink...but still leaving behind it's vibrations....of...???
....the 'RC' part intrigues me....kinda reckon it translates into Radiant Compassion...or Radiating Compassion?  Guess leaving behind and spreading compassion around like star-dust is just what the world needs right now...COMPASSION and LOVE!!

As easy as pie....or should that be pi ???...golly, what a fuss this old monkey makes when confronted by something new and unknown! 

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